Swaddle Sleeves Pod™


Fantastic transitional product!

"As a baby sleep expert, neonatal nurse, and mom of 4, I recommend Swaddle Sleeves as a fantastic transitional product for babies."

-Cara, Taking Cara Babies

Highly recommend!

“As a pediatrician and a mother of two boys who had sleep issues, I highly recommend this product. [It] is wonderful to help with that transition and prevent awakening from normal reflexes. Swaddle Sleeves will help give everyone a good night's sleep!”

-Navneet Brar, Pediatric Emergency Medicine MD

Awesome product!

"My son started sleeping 6+ hours every night as soon as I started using these on him at 4 weeks old and that soon encouraged him to start sleeping 11+ hours!! They just kept him for doing the jerk reflex babies do. Awesome product I truly believe in!"

-Chelsea S., Customer

How do Swaddle Sleeves work?

Swaddle Sleeves give babies that extra bit of coziness and compression around the arms (to mimic the feeling of being swaddled) as they get used to sleeping with their arms out for the first time, but WITHOUT adding ANY weighting or restrictive design. This transition can be a difficult one for many babies, and our snug-fitting sleeves safely provide additional security while still allowing for full range of movment and rolling over. Similar to what’s found inside a higher TOG wearable blanket, Swaddle Sleeves lets baby roll back and forth as desired and provide just an extra bit of reassurance to your little one as they transition out of the swaddle. The length and design of the sleeve, along with the optional mitten cuff, provide gentle resistance and security to aid in a successful transition out of the swaddle. 

To keep the sleeves appropriate for all temperatures and seasons, we made sure to keep the insulation inside the Swaddle Sleeves under winter-rated TOG. As a reference, winter-rated TOG may run between 2.0 TOG and 3.5 TOG. Anything under that is commonly suitable for year-round/all temperature usage with the option of adding or removing layers of clothing based on exact temperature inside baby's room. As another reference point, anything less than 1.0 TOG is usually suitable for higher or warmer temperatures. For more details on how to dress baby for sleep, please see "What is TOG?"

Another way to understand our proprietary layering method is: Swaddle Sleeves is made of the same material of a wearable blanket with a higher TOG rating, but without any added restriction in sewing or design, whereas our Mitten Sleeves would be classified as having a lower TOG rating. To prevent overheating, and to serve all seasons, temps, and babies, we have multiple TOG options and body types available. This way, we can keep everyone covered! 

*If you’re looking for something that will keep your baby on their back, this isn’t the product. Our products are not designed to keep baby on their back after they know how to roll over. The sleeves are also not designed to keep your baby’s arms “pinned down” with weight, so please don’t be discouraged when baby can still engage in developmentally appropriate movements and rolling over. That's actually what we want! Please know that Swaddle Sleeves will only be easing the transition from the swaddle, and there might still be a brief, disruptive transitory period as your baby goes through the process of adjusting to arms-out sleep. Safety is and will always be #1 for us.

Are all of the sleeves interchangeable?

Yes, all of our sleeves are interchangeable. For example, let’s say you purchase the Swaddle Sleeves Sack. With it, you get 2 sets of sleeves, our Swaddle Sleeves and Mitten Sleeves. You can use either one (most parents prefer to start off with our Swaddle Sleeves and then transition over to the Mitten Sleeves!), or you can also purchase our Add-On Star Sleeves, for example, if for some reason your sweet baby isn’t taking to the Swaddle Sleeves, without having to purchase a whole new product! As we grow, we’ll be offering bundle options for our sleeves, but currently, we only have our Add-On Sleeves as a purchase option so you can mix and match without having to buy a whole new product!

Are these products safe for sleep?

Our products have been designed according to the AAP’s (American Academy of Pediatrics) guidelines for safe sleep. Not only have we undergone certified third-party laboratory testing and surpassed the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s safety standards, we also partnered with pediatric physical therapists, pediatric nurses, and pediatricians throughout our development and design process to ensure that you and your baby are getting the safest, most effective swaddle product possible. Our products have been approved by global-wide safety standards and verified through Intertek and SGS Testing, both of which are world-leading inspection, verification, testing, and certification company.

At Two Baby Bears and Co., you can rest assured that we will always put safety first, as evidenced by the immediate disposal of our weighted inventory (at a huge financial loss to the company’s detriment) as soon as the updated AAP safe sleep guidelines were released in June 2022. We believe that transparency matters, and our relationship with our parents and customers is of utmost importance to us.

Why are all of the sleeves zippered and removable?

Because as parents ourselves, we know how difficult it is to buy a product and have it just not work for your baby, and then be stuck with it! That is why we provide two different sets of sleeves with our Swaddle Sleeves products and also give you the option of removing the sleeves entirely so that 1) in case the product doesn’t work out for your baby, you can still use it as a standard sleep sack/bodysuit/pajamas, and 2) to give you and your baby multiple options of how to use our product in case your baby doesn’t like it one way. This is also why we sell our “Add-on Sleeves,” and 3) for longevity of use! It’s no fun when you can only use a product for a set amount of time and once that time is over, throw it in the dresser drawer never to be seen again. We want you to get the most use out of our products and be able to use them long after you’re done with the swaddle transitioning stage! 

How do I wash these?

We know laundry is an important part of any household with little ones, so we wanted to make sure washing the Swaddle Sleeves™ was as easy as possible: Make sure sleeves are attached. Wash on the normal cycle in cold water with a mild, baby-safe detergent, and tumble dry on a low-heat setting. Finally, dress your baby in their Swaddle Sleeves for a one-stop ticket to dreamland.

Are sleep sacks with sleeves safe?

As with any baby sleep item, proper fit is key to ensuring safety and efficacy of the product. Wearable blankets with sleeves are no different, and parents should ensure that their baby is wearing a snug-fitting swaddle or sleep sack to sleep, if using. All of our sleeves are snug-fitting for this reason, and especially for our sleeves with the mitten cuff, you have the option to be able to roll back the mitten cuff to ensure that a perfect, customizable fit for your baby. 

Sleep sacks or wearable blankets with sleeves are just as safe as their sleeveless counterparts, and it's important to ensure that the infant is dressed appropriately for the temperature. We recommend that parents follow the AAP's guidelines for a safe and comfortable room temperature. The recommended temperature for babies is between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Experts recommend to check the back of baby's neck to see if your little one is warm instead of their hands or feet for a more accurate reading. 

Another helpful measure for temperature is to dress baby in just one more layer than what you are comfortable wearing. 

Finally, we have multiple sleeves options that come with an optional mitten cuff, so you have the option to leave the hands open or covered depending on your little one's comfort!

Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews
Ahmad Mutahhir
Just what we needed!

With every other swaddle we used, our little one would be squiggling his arms out and waking himself up. We really liked how there is an inner band that will keep him feeling safe and sleeping. We have recently started using the sleeves as well - it is easy to get his arm in and it's a super well thought out design. The transition swaddle has been a sleep saver - highly recommend this product!

Bridget N
Great sack!

This transition sack has been helpful for my baby who was starting to roll but has very busy arms when she sleeps! Worth the price has worked effectively for my 13 week busy baby!

Helps with Moro reflex

I purchased because my baby was having a hard time transitioning out of a traditional swaddle with both of her arms out. This has significantly helped with her being able to have a restful sleep. My baby definitely fights me to get the sleeves on, but I’m sure on time we’ll both get use to it. Once they are on she’s perfectly content and happy.

Taylor Fraundorfer
No more startling!

My little peanut was constantly moving her arms and startling herself awake. She loved to be swaddled with arms in but of course as she began to show signs of rolling we needed to figure out another option. This was the perfect transition swaddle to keep her feeling snug and secure but also allowing her arms to be free. It gave us so much peace of mind!

Heather Lawless
Saved our sanity

My baby recently started to roll over so we had to stop swaddling her and it made putting her down in her crib impossible because her little arms would flail and wake her. We tried EVERYTHING I spent SO much money on different arms out swaddles and sleep sacks. The baby Merlin one was the worst. We live in Arizona where it's very hot and needed something light on her body that still held her arms pretty decently still. Thank god we found this swaddle! The extra hug from the inside pod helps her feel secure. The first night she wore it she slept 6 hours straight! It's so light we don't feel like it's too warm. We love it

Kacie B.
Totally worth it!

We tried just dropping the swaddle cold turkey at 3 months because our baby was breaking out of it and waking himself up anyways. We were up every 3 hours so I ended up buying this in the middle of the night out of desperation and it works perfectly!! He fusses getting it on because we’re not very graceful getting his arms into the sleeves, but he sleeps just as well in this as he did when he was swaddled!! Life saver!

Didn’t have a transitional period

This may be the best product out there for sleep. I was able to put my 3 month old down awake and she put herself right to sleep with no tears or pacifier and has slept through the night since we’ve had it. Up until we received the swaddle sleeves she has been swaddled with her arms down but kept escaping and waking herself. We didn’t have to transition her to one arm out a time. She took right to it.

Love it so far

The material is so soft and stretchy. And the sleeves seem very breathable and comfortable. I just got the product today and she put herself right to sleep as soon as I swaddled her for her nap. And that was a miracle. It’s escape proof and that has been a big struggle with her other swaddles. Im hoping the sleeves make the transition to arms out seamless. I’m very excited to have happened upon this small company.


My daughter loved this product right away. As soon as I put it on her she fell asleep in minutes. It has completely taken out those horrible nights of sleep. And while it is not a total cure of the Moro reflex it does muffle it so my daughter isn’t flopping back and forth all night. (Also, my daughter does not sleep in my bed, it is just showing an example of how she easily sleeps anywhere in her swaddle sleeves)

Jill Tracy
It’s gotten us an extra hour!

We love the “marshmallow” arms as we call it. Baby loves it too and we haven’t consistently seen and extra hour of sleep which is obviously the best part!
