"Fit Check!"

Make sure you have purchased according to baby’s weight. Sleep safety and proper sizing go hand-in-hand!
Your baby needs to meet the MINIMUM weight requirement of the product. Please DO NOT size up!  (It’s tempting, I know. But safety is #1.)
Sizing up = not safe for your little one   1. There may be excess fabric around your baby’s neck or mouth 2. The sleeves may be too big or long and not fit properly
What does a good fit look like?
Photo of baby with proper fit.
Photo of baby with proper fit.
Photo of baby with proper fit.
Photo of baby with proper fit.
What does a poor fit look like?
Photo of baby with poor fit.
Photo of baby with poor fit.
If arms are “swimming” or “stuck” inside the sleeves and baby’s hands are not reaching the mitten cuffs, this item is too big OR baby’s arms are not in all the way through
x- hand needs to be at mitten cuff
x- elbow is at armpit level
In the above two photos, baby was within the weight range of the item and mom just had to bring baby’s hands through the sleeves and down to the mitten cuff, and all was well!
Arms should be all the way in &  elbows should be mid-sleeve  PRO TIP to get arms in easily, put your hand  in through the cuff,  & gently guide your baby’s arm through until the hands  reach the optional  mitten cuff
If your baby is an active roller (back to belly), make sure that your baby’s hands are peeking out (cuffs are OPEN) & the mitten cuff is at the wrist
If your baby is an active roller (back to belly) and loves having their hands enclosed, transition to the Mitten Sleeves or the Star Sleeves for that extra coziness.
We do have weight ranges for our products, so if your little one is on the lower end, you may have to roll up the mitten cuff. This is safe to do. We do not recommend more than one “roll back.”
Baby with mitten cuff rolled over
Baby with mitten cuff rolled over
If tips of baby’s fingers are more than 2 inches away from the edge of the sleeve, then the item is too big.
Want to double-check with us? Email us a full-body photo at care@twobabybearsco.com
Rolling baby? Tap here for more info on safety!