Product and Sleep Safety


We created Swaddle Sleeves™ with your family in mind—with safety and functionality as priority—to get both you and baby living happily and sleeping soundly.

Safety Certified

To bring your baby and ours the safest products possible, we have surpassed multiple stages of rigorous testing by Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) endorsed laboratories worldwide. Our products continually go through both required and additional voluntary testing to determine the safest design, fit, and material. The following is a list of tests that we have successfully undergone and continue to periodically go through:

  • Fabric Quality and Safety Analysis— for shrinkage, pilling, flammability

  • Construction and Durability Analysis—for seam strength, sharp edges and objects, suffocation hazards

  • Chemical Prevention and Detection Analysis—for lead, phthalates, AZO Dyes, formaldehyde

Expert Approved

To achieve the perfect balance of efficacy and safety for your little one, we partnered with pediatricians, pediatric physical therapists, pediatric nurses, and sleep consultants throughout our development stages and sought their expert approval and opinion from conception to launch. 

“As a pediatrician and a mother of two boys who had sleep issues, I highly recommend this product. Many babies sleep well when swaddled. It is when they transition out of the swaddle that sleep becomes an issue. This product is wonderful to help with that transition and prevent awakening from normal reflexes. Swaddle Sleeves will help give everyone a good night's sleep!”


Safe Sleep Compliant

Sleep safety is at our core, which is the #1 reason why we developed our swaddle transition products. We designed our products according to the AAP’s safe sleep guidelines. Where safe sleep and innovation merge, the magic of Swaddle Sleeves™ begins. 



  • DO use only for sleep, and only in the intended manner as instructed on our website and packaging
  • DO use according to baby’s weight and not their age to ensure that the product fits baby correctly and as intended

  • DO leave mitten cuff open in our puffy, layered Swaddle Sleeves when your little one is rolling over. You can safely use it this way for as long as needed

  • If using (only the Footie or Bodysuit are suitable ) in a device with restraints such as a car seat or stroller, only use if baby is safely buckled inside

  • DO make sure that you dress your baby appropriately for sleep. Swaddle Transition Sleeves™ is the perfect swaddle transition product because you are able to dress your baby up or down without having to worry about overheating

  • DO follow the ABCs for safe sleep when using this product—Alone, with baby on their Back, and in the Crib

  • DO make sure that your baby’s sleep environment is free of loose bedding and clothing and that nothing is covering your baby’s mouth and nose while sleeping

  • DO make sure that you place your baby to sleep on their back, especially as a newborn to one year of age or until your pediatrician says otherwise

  • DO place baby only in a safe sleep device when putting to sleep, such as a crib, play yard, or bassinet

  • DO have a fan circulating in your baby’s room during sleep time as an additional safety precaution against SIDS

  • DO give your little one a pacifier when sleeping as an additional safety precaution against SIDS

  • DO NOT use any soft objects, toys, bedding, etc. in baby’s sleep environment

  • Keep away from fire

  • DO NOT let your baby overheat

  • DO NOT use if any part of this garment is damaged

  • This product is designed to be used according to AAP suggested safe-sleep practices only

  • Always place baby on their back to sleep in a crib free of additional bedding or items

  • A baby’s safety is the responsibility of its parents or caregiver
