Swaddle Sleeves Footie™ & Mitten Sleeves Set

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Fantastic transitional product!

"As a baby sleep expert, neonatal nurse, and mom of 4, I recommend Swaddle Sleeves as a fantastic transitional product for babies."

-Cara, Taking Cara Babies

Highly recommend!

“As a pediatrician and a mother of two boys who had sleep issues, I highly recommend this product. [It] is wonderful to help with that transition and prevent awakening from normal reflexes. Swaddle Sleeves will help give everyone a good night's sleep!”

-Navneet Brar, Pediatric Emergency Medicine MD

Awesome product!

"My son started sleeping 6+ hours every night as soon as I started using these on him at 4 weeks old and that soon encouraged him to start sleeping 11+ hours!! They just kept him for doing the jerk reflex babies do. Awesome product I truly believe in!"

-Chelsea S., Customer

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How do Swaddle Sleeves work?

Swaddle Sleeves give babies that extra bit of coziness and compression around the arms (to mimic the feeling of being swaddled) as they get used to sleeping with their arms out for the first time, but WITHOUT adding ANY weighting or restrictive design. This transition can be a difficult one for many babies, and our snug-fitting sleeves safely provide additional security while still allowing for full range of movment and rolling over. Similar to what’s found inside a higher TOG wearable blanket, Swaddle Sleeves lets baby roll back and forth as desired and provide just an extra bit of reassurance to your little one as they transition out of the swaddle. The length and design of the sleeve, along with the optional mitten cuff, provide gentle resistance and security to aid in a successful transition out of the swaddle. 

To keep the sleeves appropriate for all temperatures and seasons, we made sure to keep the insulation inside the Swaddle Sleeves under winter-rated TOG. As a reference, winter-rated TOG may run between 2.0 TOG and 3.5 TOG. Anything under that is commonly suitable for year-round/all temperature usage with the option of adding or removing layers of clothing based on exact temperature inside baby's room. As another reference point, anything less than 1.0 TOG is usually suitable for higher or warmer temperatures. For more details on how to dress baby for sleep, please see "What is TOG?"

Another way to understand our proprietary layering method is: Swaddle Sleeves is made of the same material of a wearable blanket with a higher TOG rating, but without any added restriction in sewing or design, whereas our Mitten Sleeves would be classified as having a lower TOG rating. To prevent overheating, and to serve all seasons, temps, and babies, we have multiple TOG options and body types available. This way, we can keep everyone covered! 

*If you’re looking for something that will keep your baby on their back, this isn’t the product. Our products are not designed to keep baby on their back after they know how to roll over. The sleeves are also not designed to keep your baby’s arms “pinned down” with weight, so please don’t be discouraged when baby can still engage in developmentally appropriate movements and rolling over. That's actually what we want! Please know that Swaddle Sleeves will only be easing the transition from the swaddle, and there might still be a brief, disruptive transitory period as your baby goes through the process of adjusting to arms-out sleep. Safety is and will always be #1 for us.

Are all of the sleeves interchangeable?

Yes, all of our sleeves are interchangeable. For example, let’s say you purchase the Swaddle Sleeves Sack. With it, you get 2 sets of sleeves, our Swaddle Sleeves and Mitten Sleeves. You can use either one (most parents prefer to start off with our Swaddle Sleeves and then transition over to the Mitten Sleeves!), or you can also purchase our Add-On Star Sleeves, for example, if for some reason your sweet baby isn’t taking to the Swaddle Sleeves, without having to purchase a whole new product! As we grow, we’ll be offering bundle options for our sleeves, but currently, we only have our Add-On Sleeves as a purchase option so you can mix and match without having to buy a whole new product!

Are these products safe for sleep?

Our products have been designed according to the AAP’s (American Academy of Pediatrics) guidelines for safe sleep. Not only have we undergone certified third-party laboratory testing and surpassed the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s safety standards, we also partnered with pediatric physical therapists, pediatric nurses, and pediatricians throughout our development and design process to ensure that you and your baby are getting the safest, most effective swaddle product possible. Our products have been approved by global-wide safety standards and verified through Intertek and SGS Testing, both of which are world-leading inspection, verification, testing, and certification company.

At Two Baby Bears and Co., you can rest assured that we will always put safety first, as evidenced by the immediate disposal of our weighted inventory (at a huge financial loss to the company’s detriment) as soon as the updated AAP safe sleep guidelines were released in June 2022. We believe that transparency matters, and our relationship with our parents and customers is of utmost importance to us.

Why are all of the sleeves zippered and removable?

Because as parents ourselves, we know how difficult it is to buy a product and have it just not work for your baby, and then be stuck with it! That is why we provide two different sets of sleeves with our Swaddle Sleeves products and also give you the option of removing the sleeves entirely so that 1) in case the product doesn’t work out for your baby, you can still use it as a standard sleep sack/bodysuit/pajamas, and 2) to give you and your baby multiple options of how to use our product in case your baby doesn’t like it one way. This is also why we sell our “Add-on Sleeves,” and 3) for longevity of use! It’s no fun when you can only use a product for a set amount of time and once that time is over, throw it in the dresser drawer never to be seen again. We want you to get the most use out of our products and be able to use them long after you’re done with the swaddle transitioning stage! 

How do I wash these?

We know laundry is an important part of any household with little ones, so we wanted to make sure washing the Swaddle Sleeves™ was as easy as possible: Make sure sleeves are attached. Wash on the normal cycle in cold water with a mild, baby-safe detergent, and tumble dry on a low-heat setting. Finally, dress your baby in their Swaddle Sleeves for a one-stop ticket to dreamland.

Are sleep sacks with sleeves safe?

Sleep sacks or wearable blankets with sleeves are safe as long as the infant is dressed appropriately for the temperature. We recommend that parents follow the AAP's guidelines for a safe and comfortable room temperature. The recommended temperature for babies is between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Experts recommend to check the back of baby's neck to see if your little one is warm instead of their hands or feet for a more accurate reading. Another helpful measure for temperature is to dress baby in just one more layer than what you are comfortable wearing. Finally, we have multiple sleeves options that come with an optional mitten cuff, so you have the option to leave the hands open or covered depending on your little one's comfort!

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Great transition product

Got this when my 3 month old started showing signs of rolling. Arrived within the week, and it has been great! She has slept well in it and had very little disturbance to her usual sleep patterns transitioning from a traditional swaddle to these swaddle sleeves. I was bummed that the sleep pod was sold out in her size, but customer service recommended this product to me and it's been great. I just swaddle around her chest with her old Velcro swaddles to still give her the snugness and warmth of a swaddle, but we probably won't need to do that for much longer. Very grateful for a product like this that doesn't cause her to overheat! I just ordered the other onesie for warmer weather & to have as a backup--I like that the onesie options can be dressed up or down to accommodate the temperature. I recommend this product to anyone looking for help during the transition from the swaddle!

Great quality, just not the fix for us

We purchased two different sleeve sets plus a sleep sack and the footie pajamas. We mixed and matched, primarily using the swaddle sleeves with the sleep sack (so this review is for a mixture of a few different products).

First off, the process of purchasing and determining what we would need was way too complicated and challenging. I took the quiz and scoured the website trying to figure out what would work best for us, and we still did not get that right. I do have a PhD, and I conduct research for a living, so I feel somewhat confident in my abilities to assess information--and I found the website very challenging to use. I wish I'd started out by getting the sleep pod instead of sack or footie pajamas. The website should be more clearly organized to guide parents to the products they need. Next, the quality of these products is really good. They are super well made and I love putting my son in them because the material is great. Soft and a little stretchy. Again, clearly high quality.

Unfortunately, however, the swaddle sleeves were not the solution for us. We needed to transition out of the swaddle (which our son loved!) at about 10 weeks, and I was hoping this would be the fix. He was a fantastic sleeper in the swaddle, but the swaddle sleeves (+sleep sack) didn't seem to help his transition very much. I don't think they hurt, and he didn't seem to mind them per se, but they also didn't seem to help at all either. In fact, his second night transitioning out of the swaddle we had our worst night of sleep ever since he was born :( I don't know that the sleeves were any better than going straight to a regular sleep sack would have been. Our fourth night of transition, we put him down without any sleeves or sleep sack (because they were still in the dryer!) and he ended up sleeping his longest stretch yet out of the swaddle. The footie pajamas themselves are great quality and I'm glad we can use them (and the sleep sack) even if we don't need the sleeves. But that's an expensive footie pajama and sleep sack. I am sure this is a case where every baby is different, so your mileage may vary. We ordered a sleep pod + star sleeves when we realized the swaddle sleeves + sleep sack/footie pajamas were not going to cut it, but unfortunately the shipping takes so long that we are still waiting for the pod and new sleeves to arrive. Which leads me to my last point...

A big downside to these products is that the shipping times take SO LONG. While I appreciate free shipping, you do need to be prepared to wait a week or more for these to arrive, which is an eternity when you're in newborn/infant sleep land. When you're trying to transition and in need of a sleep product, that time frame is unfortunately just very unrealistic. I planned ahead for our transition and still found myself waiting for the products to arrive. There is also no room for error/experimentation, because once they arrived and we realized that the swaddle sleeves, half up sleeves, sleep sack and footie pajamas were not going to be our solution (despite the quiz telling me so!), we wanted to try the sleep pod and another set of sleeves. I ordered those five days ago and am still waiting for them to arrive. At this point, however, we have effectively transitioned out of the swaddle (after a few very tough nights!), so the sleep pod will be of little use to us. I am disappointed to have spent so much money on something that we already don't need before it has even arrived, but hey, I guess we'll be ready for hypothetical kid #2. (And the company is up front that shipping takes awhile. But if you think, "sure, they say it takes that many days, but maybe it won't actually take that long"--it does. It does take that long, and sometimes even longer. We purchased first to the west coast, and then a few weeks later to the east coast after moving. It took a long time either way. Maybe if you live in the midwest it's faster?).

Bonus: he does look absolutely adorable in the sleeves!

Easiest transition ever!

My girl has been sleeping in the onesie with the swaddle sleeves since she was 3 months old. She sleeps 10-12 hours a night and I was terrified to transition. I didn’t want to mess anything. She just turned 6mo and a few weeks ago I bit the bullet. Luckily, the mitten sleeves make it easy peasy! She didn’t even notice a difference! I imagine going to a regular onesies will be a breeze from here! Thank you for making an easy plan for transitioning!
On a side note: her arm got broken in a daycare accident around 4 months and being able to unzip the sleeve to keep her bad arm pinned underneath with the sleep sack was a life saver!


I can’t recommend these enough ! We tried to transition our little one out of the swaddle before buying the swaddle sleeves and she didn’t sleep for 5 nights. The swaddle sleeves have been a life saver, she’s sleeping so well with them and it’s still safe if she ends up rolling. We choose to buy the onesie and we have her sleep sack overtop!

Sleep footsie

I love the sleeves they helped transition my babe from the swaddle, however, I got the footsie one and I feel like I should’ve gotten the sleep sack! He was getting a little chilly at night and the footsie one you can’t later clothes but that was my mistake! Great product otherwise

Hi Sarah! You can safely layer the Footie with a sleeveless sleep sack of your choice for additional warmth.

Hear me out

Long story short, it didn’t help my 3 month old sleep longer stretches, but it did help him learn to fall asleep on his own at the beginning of a nap or bedtime. Not magic like I wanted, but definitely a step in the right direction. We had to stop swaddling at like 2 months. He has a very strong startle reflex, so this helped muffle it a little bit but it would still startle him awake with it on. My baby likes to sleep kind of on his side, and these sleeves are so puffy that he couldn’t do that, his top arm wouldn’t stay where he wanted it. The fabric is very stretchy but very thin, so we had to have footies underneath plus a sleep sack. The puffy sleeves are like pillows, they are not warm like you’d think so they’re great for summer. I was much more comfortable with this than other swaddle transitions because the sleeves aren’t weighted, so if he rolled to his stomach he could still roll back or get his face off the mattress. Not the best for my baby, but it might be perfect for yours, definitely worth trying.

Save your money - buy this one, not the alternatives

I’ve tried 4+ options for swaddle transitions and this is the first one that both worked and made me feel comfortable with it!! One of the common alternatives made my baby sooo hot which scared me for SIDS risk. This one is perfect to dress up or down for temperature and also to keep your baby peacefully sleeping!

Jessica Long

I was really struggling with my boy and his startle reflex. I had to stop swaddling his arms down but the merlin magic sleep suit was still too big for him and he was having a hard time adjusting to it. Someone recommended this product to me and made such a huge difference. It’s a great transition swaddle. I am very happy with my purchase I highly recommend it! It’s definitely a safer option because they have control over their movements rather than weighing their whole body down which my doctor said was dangerous! I’m super happy with this purchase and I would definitely recommend this to a friend!

Love this product!

We needed a safe sleep solution that kept my baby cool and helped with her startle reflex. I was worried the sleeves wouldn't be heavy enough but I was happily surprised when it showed up. The material keeps her cool during the hot Texas summer months and we're all happy sleepers.

One happy Mama….and Baby☺️

Such an amazing product! I found it online in the middle of the night, sleep deprived and desperate! It was shipped right away and arrived to Canada in just 4 days! And I am one happy Mama! The first night my daughter slept in her bassinet, the whole night ( which was a first) and I was able to get some sleep! I love the option of the footsie as my daughter sleeps on her side and doesn’t like being constricted in a sleep sack. The weighted arms are just perfect and stops her startle reflex from waking her up! And love that they can be removed so easily with the zipper without waking the baby and she then continues to stay snuggly and warm in the suit. Thank you so much for your great customer service and amazing product!
