baby sleeping in crib

Having a sick baby while being sick yourself is no fun. In fact, those few days when the whole family is down might feel like some of the hardest days you've had since becoming a parent! You're instantly transported back to survival mode, especially if your sweet little one is unable to sleep, which, in turn, means that you can't sleep! But sleep and rest are truly the best medicine, and we are going to share some of our favorite tips with you on how to help you and your baby be at your most comfortable during this difficult time.

  1. Keep your baby comfortable: Make sure your baby is comfortable and not too hot or cold. Dress them in comfortable clothes and keep the room at a comfortable temperature, anywhere between 68 degrees F to 72 degrees F.

  2. Do NOT elevate the baby's head: If your baby is congested, do not elevate their head with a pillow or a folded towel under the crib mattress or under your baby. This was a common tactic used and recommend by experts before the updated safe sleep guidelines were released by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Now, we know that elevating the crib mattress is not safe.

  3. Use a humidifier: A cool-mist humidifier can help to soothe a baby's cough and congestion. It also helps to keep the air moist, which can prevent dryness in the baby's nose and throat.

  4. Offer fluids: If your baby is not breastfeeding, offer them plenty of fluids, such as water or formula. This will help to keep them hydrated and soothe their throat. It is also important to make sure that you are getting enough to drink or eat if you're sick as well. You can't pour from an empty cup! An electrolyte drink such as Gatorade can do wonders when you throat hurts too much to eat or drink much else. This will give you the energy you need to take care of your little one.

  5. Give medication if necessary: If your baby's symptoms are causing discomfort, speak to your pediatrician about whether they can take medication. Always follow the dosage instructions carefully.

  6. Offer comfort: Comfort your baby with gentle rocking, singing, or rubbing their back. This can help to calm them and make it easier for them to fall asleep. If your baby needs extra help to sleep and your arms need a break from holding them all night long, consider using a an item that might help your baby to feel comfortable and sleep better, such as our Star Sleeves Footie, which can also help reduce the risk of overheating if your little one is running a fever. 

  7. Monitor your baby: Keep an eye on your baby's symptoms and seek medical attention if they get worse or if they develop a fever.

Above all, try to stick to your normal routine as closely as possible and enlist help wherever you can! Don't be afraid to ask family or friends for help with household tasks, such as grocery shopping, cooking, or cleaning. If you need to Door Dash dinner for a couple of days, so be it. Remember that your body needs time to feel better, and it's important to also give yourself grace and some extra love as you heal!

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